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Cinema 4D Scripts & Plugins

[Cinema 4D Script] MW Match Selection Tags


We've all been there, rushing through a project or getting modeling sources from an external site, only to find that the object's polygon selection tags and material tags are messed up. This script was created to easily solve this frustrating situation.

When you select objects and run this script, the material tags and polygon selection tags of the selected objects will be paired and sorted (If no objects are selected, this will be applied to all objects)

All Polygon selection tags with no material applied are moved to the rightmost position and turn into red.

프로젝트를 급하게 진행하거나 외부 사이트에서 모델링 소스를 구했을때, 오브젝트의 폴리곤 셀렉션 태그와 매터리얼 태그가 복잡하게 되어 있어 작업 효율이 떨어진 경험이 적지 않습니다. 이 불편한 상황을 쉽게 해결하고자 해당 스크립트를 만들었습니다.

오브젝트들을 선택하고 해당 스크립트를 실행하면 선택한 오브젝트의 매터리얼 태그와 폴리곤 셀렉션 태그들이 짝지어서 정렬됩니다. (선택한 오브젝트가 없으면 모든 오브젝트에 적용됩니다)

매터리얼이 적용되어 있지 않은 폴리곤 셀렉션 태그들은 가장 오른쪽으로 이동되고 아이콘이 빨간색으로 변경됩니다.




You can download (Legacy) Free version below.
(예전) 무료 버전도 다운로드하실 수 있습니다.

MW Match Selection Tags_Legacy.zip